Children KITAS in Indonesia is a stay permit for children below 18 years of age of a foreigner who is holding KITAS (Limited Stay Permit Card) or KITAP (Permanent Stay Permit Card)
Requirements and Documents For Children KITAS, please choose your situation
For Children Whose Father And/Or Mother Hold A KITAS At The Time Of Birth In The Indonesian Territory
- Photocopy of birth certificate
- Photocopy of marriage certificate or marriage book from parents
- Photocopy of father’s and/or mother’s national passport
- Photocopy of father and/or mother’s Limited Stay Permit Card which is still valid (for example Investor KITAS)
- Valid entry sign
Children Whose Nationality Is Of Foreign Countries Who Join The Father And/Or Mother Who Are Indonesian Citizens
- Certificate of domicile
- Application letter from father and/or mother who are Indonesian citizens
- Photocopy of valid Identity Card (KTP) of father and/or mother of Indonesian citizen
- Birth certificate
- Photocopy of marriage certificate or marriage book of parents
- Photocopy of Family Card (KK) of father and/or mother who are Indonesian citizens
- Valid Entrance Certificate (for example visa b211 offshore or onshore)
Children Whose Father Or Mother Is Married To Indonesian Citizens
- Domicile certificate
- Application letter from husband or wife who are Indonesian citizens
- Photocopy of marriage certificate or marriage book
- Photocopy of Identity Card (KTP) ) husband or wife of Indonesian citizens who are still valid
- Photocopy of Family Card (KK) of husband or wife who are Indonesian citizens
- Photocopy of marriage reporting certificate from the civil registry office for marriages held overseas
- Valid Entrance Certificate (for example visa b211 offshore or onshore)
Children With Age Under 18 Years Old And Unmarried Who Joins The Father And/Or Mother Holding A KITAS Or KITAP
- Domicile certificate
- Guarantee letter from Guarantor
- Photocopy of birth certificate
- Photocopy of marriage certificate or parent’s marriage book
- Photocopy of valid and valid national passport of father and/or mother
- Copy of valid and valid Limited Stay Permit Card (KITAS) of father and/or mother
- Valid Entrance Certificate (for example visa b211 offshore or onshore)
Payment method: 100% once start the process
Contact Our Consultants for more assistance about the process