The Spouse KITAS in Indonesia is the Visa if you are a foreigner married to an Indonesian Citizen. There are two types options:

  1. The Spouse Sponsored KITAS (Kartu Izin Tinggal Terbatas) which carries a Limited Stay Permit (one-year validity).
  2. The Spouse Sponsored KITAP (Kartu Izin Tinggal Tetap) which carries a Permanent Stay Permit (5-year validity).

Requirements for a Spouse Visa in Indonesia

  1. Passport with minimum 18 (eighteen) months validity
  2. Photograph, sized in 3 cm x 4 cm: 2 pieces, red background
  3. Marriage Certificate (Akta Nikah)
  4. ID Card (KTP) of Indonesian spouse
  5. Family Card (Kartu Keluarga) of Indonesian spouse
  6. Birth certificate (Akta Lahir) of Indonesian spouse
  7. Bank Statement of Indonesian spouse with minimum balance IDR 20,000,000 (twenty million)
  8. A Certificate of No Impediment (CNI) if married outside Indonesia
  9. Domicile letter from sub-district (kantor kelurahan) or domicile letter from Building Management

KITAS/ITAS or KITAP spouse visa benefits, you are entitled in Indonesia to the following:

  • Validity for a stay in Indonesia: 5 years (for spouse KITAP)
  • Validity of MERP (Multiple Exit/Re-Entry Permit): 2 years
  • An Indonesian ID, KTP (Kartu Tanda Penduduk) with validity of 5 years (for spouse KITAP)
  • An Indonesian driver’s license, SIM (Surat Izin Mengemudi)
  • Ability to open bank accounts, apply for loans and credit cards in Indonesia
  • Eligibility for local prices of tourist attractions
  • Eligibility for becoming an Indonesian citizen
  • Eligibility for joint ownership of property with your spouse
  • Eligibility to become an Indonesian Citizen
  • Eligibility to work or be able to start your own business as a sole entrepreneur without additional application of a work permit

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