The Spouse KITAS in Indonesia is the Visa if you are a foreigner married to an Indonesian Citizen. There are two types options:
- The Spouse Sponsored KITAS (Kartu Izin Tinggal Terbatas) which carries a Limited Stay Permit (one-year validity).
- The Spouse Sponsored KITAP (Kartu Izin Tinggal Tetap) which carries a Permanent Stay Permit (5-year validity).
Requirements for a Spouse Visa in Indonesia
- Passport with minimum 18 (eighteen) months validity
- Photograph, sized in 3 cm x 4 cm: 2 pieces, red background
- Marriage Certificate (Akta Nikah)
- ID Card (KTP) of Indonesian spouse
- Family Card (Kartu Keluarga) of Indonesian spouse
- Birth certificate (Akta Lahir) of Indonesian spouse
- Bank Statement of Indonesian spouse with minimum balance IDR 20,000,000 (twenty million)
- A Certificate of No Impediment (CNI) if married outside Indonesia
- Domicile letter from sub-district (kantor kelurahan) or domicile letter from Building Management
KITAS/ITAS or KITAP spouse visa benefits, you are entitled in Indonesia to the following:
- Validity for a stay in Indonesia: 5 years (for spouse KITAP)
- Validity of MERP (Multiple Exit/Re-Entry Permit): 2 years
- An Indonesian ID, KTP (Kartu Tanda Penduduk) with validity of 5 years (for spouse KITAP)
- An Indonesian driver’s license, SIM (Surat Izin Mengemudi)
- Ability to open bank accounts, apply for loans and credit cards in Indonesia
- Eligibility for local prices of tourist attractions
- Eligibility for becoming an Indonesian citizen
- Eligibility for joint ownership of property with your spouse
- Eligibility to become an Indonesian Citizen
- Eligibility to work or be able to start your own business as a sole entrepreneur without additional application of a work permit
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