KITAS (Limited Stay Permit Card) is a permit document that can be used by foreign nationals to stay temporarily in the territory of Indonesia. The validity period of this card is 2 years and must be extended if you want to continue to use it.

KITAS is used by expatriates who want to work or stay in Indonesia legally for a period longer than the visa visit period. Otherwise, the foreign citizen (WNA) can be sentenced to a maximum of 5 years in prison or a fine of IDR 500,000,000 (37,000 USD).

Type of KITAS

1. Work permit KITAS, must be sponsored by a company registered in Indonesia, including PT, PT PMA, representative office, or public or private institution. To get it, the applicant must apply for a work permit/IMTA.

2. KITAS marriage visa, given to foreigners who are legally married to Indonesian citizens. Unlike the work visa, the holder of this card is only allowed to live and work as a freelancer, not a permanent employee in a company. The mandatory requirement for obtaining this document is an official marriage certificate.

3. Temporary residence permit card for retirement visa, which is given to foreigners aged 55 years or over who wish to spend their retirement period in Indonesia. The application can be submitted after one month of entry on a tourist visa. Furthermore, the owner can stay in Indonesia for many years.

Submission Terms

So, before applying, make sure you meet the requirements. Some general requirements that must be met include filling out forms, national passports or travel documents as well as proof of visas, old KITAS (for extension), application letter from guarantor, guarantee letter, guarantor’s ID card, residence certificate, and power of attorney.

In addition to these general requirements, there are also a number of additional requirements based on the profession or application requirements. For those who want to take part in education, for example, they need to get a recommendation from the Ministry of Education and Culture or the government agency in charge. Foreigners who receive scholarships from Indonesia need a recommendation from the State Secretariat.

Other requirements, especially for marriage KITAS applicants, are marriage certificates and family cards. Meanwhile, for children born in Indonesia to parents who hold this card, the requirements needed include Birth Certificate, Birth Report Certificate from the Immigration Office, passport and parent’s temporary residence permit card.

How to Make a KITAS

1. Submit an application to the Head of the Immigration Office or the designated Immigration Officer according to the area where the applicant lives. Applications can be submitted by foreigners or their guarantor themselves.

2. Complete the necessary conditions, both general and special requirements according to the need for temporary stay.

3. Application for KITAS no later than 30 days after the Entry Sign. If you pass, you will be charged a fee according to applicable regulations.

4. After the submitted requirements have been checked and their validity confirmed, the Head of the Immigration Office or Immigration Officer issues a KITAS no later than 4 days.

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